

Stimulates the development, fruit setting, and ripening of vegetables.

Microelements solution complexed with lignosulfonic acid (LS) designed to increase and maintain the optimal level of microelements in horticultural crops. Its foliar and root application stimulates the development, fruit set, and maturation of vegetables to achieve maximum yield and growth. Recommended for all types of vegetables, especially fruiting vegetables.


Micronutrients mix. Boron (B), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn).

Composition/Guaranteed pureness (%)

  • Boron (B) water-soluble………………………..1,50
  • Manganese (Mn) water-soluble………….……1,00
  • Molybdenum (Mo) water-soluble…………….…...0,02
  • Zinc (Zn) water-soluble…………………………1,00


  • 0.5l packaging
  • 1l packaging
  • 5l packaging
  • 20l packaging
  • 200l packaging
  • 1000kg packaging

Benefits of DeGreens

  • Aids in the proper development of the plant. Thanks to a balanced supply of micronutrients, a higher photosynthetic rate is achieved, resulting in optimal plant development.
  • Optimizes the assimilation of absorbed Nitrogen. Molybdenum is an essential component for nitrogen metabolism, being crucial in the enzyme nitrate reductase, which is responsible for converting nitrates into nitrogen compounds in the plant.
  • Improves fruit setting and ripening. During the fruit setting and ripening processes, microelements such as zinc participate in the formation of auxins and the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. It is vital to prevent a deficiency of zinc.
  • Facilitates the transport of photoassimilates in the plant. Boron is responsible for the transport of sugars in the plant.
  • Promotes flower fertilization. For proper fertilization, the process of pollen tube formation is essential, and boron is involved in this process.
  • Increases production and quality. DeGreens adjusts the growth of fruit trees through proper nutritional balance.

Application method: Foliar/radicular application

Foliar applicationDosage
Foliar spray3-4 l/ha
Root applicationDosage
Horticultural crops15-25 l/ha
Strawberries10-20 l/ha
Ornamentals5-10 l/ha

* The information regarding these doses is indicative and can be adjusted based on the crop requirements, plant characteristics, and the type of deficiencies to be corrected. You can contact us to receive specific dosage recommendations.

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